Today we restart the interviews in Vooodoo Skimboard The Blog. These week we interviewed to Lexi Hutchings, a female flatland pro rider from CA, USA. Here you are!
Age? 24
Born in? St George Utah
Actually living in? San Diego California
Married? Kids? No. No.
Since when skimboarding? 2000 I believe
What Flatland Skimboard? I ride the Lexi Pro Proto Flex made by Dashboard skimboards .
Goals for 2011/2012? Travel a lot more to places, learn a lot more tricks, pick up more sponcers, ect.
Best trip ever? Austrailia was a blast, Also mexico
Have you been in Spain ? Not yet but hope so someday
Best trick, or trick you would like to do? I like doin variations on flat boxes and other rails. I love doin my pop 36o's, 180 shuv grabs, no complies, back 180's.. I wanna land a bigger spin and 540 shuv by next year
Is flatland skimboard harder for a girl than for a boy? And if not, why are only some few girls doing skimboard ? I don't think its more harder for a certain gender but I will say its a tough sport that involves lots of bruises, so you got to be tough
What do you think about European Skimboard? I think its rad . I love seeing the progression in skimboarding all around the world. I just feel blessed to be a part of it all..
And about US Skimboard? Same thing ! Lots of props to all the talented riders out there!
Do you admire someone? Lots of people! Definitely the Dashboard team,
Your biggest personal achievement? My pro Models ! I have wanted this for years!
What do you love? skim, football, sports, family, bf, cat,!
What do you hate? ankle biters!
Your favorite song ?underpressure by queen
Favorite food? sushi!
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